At the risk of sounding like a complete middle aged grump here's my list...Please bare in mind I'm only 21, and actually I'm a hoot!
1) Fruit packed in trays and sealed so tightly in plastic the poor apples look at risk of being strangled- You know the ones I mean, you can usually buy them at corner shops...Why would you do that to a poor apple?!
2) People on public transport who aren't content with telling the person on the other end of the phone all the dirty details of their one night stand last night, but instead they also feel the need to share it with the rest of the train/bus
3) When you order an egg mayonnaise sandwich, and instead of egg mayonnaise you get sliced boiled eggs, and half a bottle of mayonnaise spread over your bread...Yuk!
4) People that write blogs so they can just moan about things- Seriously who would do that!?!?!
5) Chipping your nail varnish about 10 seconds after it'd dried
6) Buying popcorn at the cinema and managing to spill half of it before you reach your seat
7) Tripping over in public, trying to style it out and tripping again
8) When you order a cup of tea and it comes with milk in...It's never enough, just give me a jug please
9) When people use instagram as a way of trying to make posting slutty pictures acceptable by calling it a "selfie" fyi if your tits/ass/vajay is out it's slutty!
10) Hearing a song on the radio, missing who it's by and spending the rest of eternity wondering who sang it
That's probably enough for tonight, I don't want you thinking all I do it moan! :)
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