This last week has been pretty dam lovely if I'm honest!
The weather has been lovely, especially towards the beginning of the week. In fact it was so nice that it forced me to the pub after work. I finished at about 2:00 on Monday and Tuesday which gave me the whole afternoon to sit in the beer garden and soak up the sun. The good weather also gave an opportunity for the guys to assert their manlyness and make fire in the form of a BBQ...there's nothing like a burn sausage to welcome the summer!
The end of the week has been just as good, on Friday Sam and I went to pick up our fish for our tank :) . This wasn't welcomed with open arms by my whole family, whenever I mentioned a fish to my parents they clammed up and tried to change the subject, muttering about cleaning and feeding it as they did's okay mum and dad, it's only a fish, I'm pretty sure we can handle it! And no it isn't practice for a baby...not that it would be very good practice- we've been told to clean them out every two weeks and feed them once a day!
As for names we've been pretty creative I have to say! My lovely yellow canary is called Bob and Sams shubunkin is called Yuu...okay so maybe they aren't the best names...
Yesterday was spent in central London, we got the train in around lunch time and went to St James Wood where the hotel was that was had booked afternoon tea. Once we had spotted the hotel we went to explore a bit and found a fair that was on in some gardens near by, we had a wonder, a munch of some free samples and ended up buying the set of Roald Dahl books after reminiscing about our favourites. We still had lots of time to spare so we walked to Regents Park to enjoy the sun and do some reading.
After we read for a while we made our way back through the park and to the hotel ready for our afternoon tea :) you can't beat a good bit of cake!! We were filled with sandwiches, scones, truffles and other lovely nibbles. Once we had done our best on devouring everything we got offered more...o prevent popping we decided it probably wasn't a good idea!
About 10 minutes after we sat down three people appeared and started playing some music, there was someone on the double bass and violin and some other instrument that we didn't know was it was, it all all feeling very sophisticated until the voilinist started moving around the tables, taking requests and seronading the women on the completely awkward! I don't think we've ever had such an in depth conversation about sandwiches before- heads down, hushed voices and not even a glimpse towards the musician incase he spotted the end he probably decided we looked far too uncultured to possibly know any classical songs and so skipped right past our's to being an uncultured youth!
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