Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Some things you need to know about boys

I've been with my lovely boyfriend for 5 years now and I'm currently living with him and 3 other guy friends so I thought I would share a few things I've learnt!

1) They fart...a lot...and they smell...really bad
2) They're incapable of putting clean dishes away
3) They're really messy...like REALLY messy
4) Most of them don't know how to use a washing machine
5) They like to leave boxers on the floor because it adds "character" to the room
6) There idea of a healthy meal is a kebab with salad
7) They play far too much Xbox and should definitely have square eyes by now!
8) Football talk can last for hours
9) They're very good at taking the bins out
10) They use the phrase YOLO to justify the mistakes they make
11) They don't know how to put a new toilet roll on the holder
12) They will always like your side of the bed better than there's and will always try to kick you out!

There you go, just a few little things I thought you should know :)

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