Saturday, 27 April 2013

A push in the right direction

My motivation towards exercise and diet had been pretty lacking recently so I thought I would give myself a bit of new inspiration in the form of a "thin" outfit!
After buying tickets for v festival I day dreamed about feeling confident enough to wear a pair of shorts and a crop top without looking like I've been washed up on the beach...que the hunt for the outfit! I decided to go shopping after work on Thursday and found a pair of shorts from topshop and a crop top from newlook that I decided I couldn't live without!
Now I just need to do some bloody exercise!
I've now lost 11lbs since I started my fitness journey and I'm hoping for a good few more before the weather starts getting really nice and it has to be shorts or sweating my ass off in a pair of jeans!
However I've decided to enlist a little help in the next part of my fitness journey...and it comes in 3 parts!
The first is a lovely new bike that I've bought, it's lovely and shiny and yet in ridden, but I WILL be out riding it soon! And I'll just be a blur in front of your eyes!
The second is a product called skinni's a protein powder and tablet that contains things like green tea and all that other gross tasting good stuff! It's also got amazing reviews so I'm keen to give it a go! (
And the third is enrolling on a 4 week fitness challenge ran by quest fitness. You get 3 45minute training classes a week for 4 weeks, along with great nutrition advise. (
I'm hoping that I've got the right recipe for a confident's hoping!
Anyway got to fly...I've got a doughnut to eat...ahh only joking, it's a cup if tea for me!

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