Wednesday, 13 March 2013

The start of something wonderful...maybe

So here goes...I'm joining the blogging community!

Right now i'm not completely sure what I'm going to blog about, I think it's mostly going to be a mixture of my thoughts, things I've been doing and anything else that takes my fancy...I'm not promising writing worthy of becoming a best seller, but I am promising me...the unedited version.

So for the first entry lets start with some basics...I'm an Island Girl, having recently taken the plunge and moved to London to study Baking at university. Moving here was quite easily the scariest thing I've ever done in my life. Partly because I've never spent more than a week in London and second because for two years before moving I suffered badly with Panic Attacks. It took 2 hard years of hypnotherapy to rid of my daily attacks and feel confident enough to move, and to my amazement I love it!

I now feel completely at home in London, I love the buzz that the city has to offer, the parks and open spaces that break up the high rise buildings and shopping centres, the ability to walk no further than 10 minutes and be able to buy a cup of tea, and mostly I love the fact that I feel at home. I fit here. I slot into the huge jigsaw puzzle that is London and I've found my spot.

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