SO much for the new healthy me, today I've munched my way through two flapjacks, a malteaser rabbit and some little twirl bite things...I'm trying to persuade myself that it's okay, but I'm not convinced. Two months of calorie counting has taken its toll and I hit a massive great wall!
BUT don't fear, for tomorrow I start my super duper nutrition plan that my personal trainer has put together for me :) It's got strange things like poached egg and spinach for breakfast!...Breakfast!!...Spinach!! I'm already mourning the loss of my Sunday morning Pain au Chocolat :(
Seriously if I don't shift some pounds after this and my FOUR training sessions a week I might just cry myself to sleep with a bowl of ice cream for comfort!
It hasn't just been wall hitting today though, I also started my new job.
I'm working in a really lovely Bakery in Kingston decorating cupcakes and cakes. I piped, I swirled, I smoothed, I sprinkled, and I really enjoyed it. Theres also nothing better than the smell of freshly baked cakes...Mmmmm
Not much else to report...I'll keep you all updated on this spinach for breakfast thing!
Can't wait to taste the real thing! Roll on April 3rd!