I've spent the last week battling with every inch of willpower I have to NOT eat "just that little bit of chocolate" but to no success. I have completely and utterly lost all motivation and self-control and chocolate has been a clear demon in my diet.
I battled my way through my spinach and scrambled eggs, to find that actually I quite liked it (Transforming into Popeye could be easier than first thought) but then after the spinach and the eggs came the BIGGEST CHOCOLATE CRAVING IN THE WORLD...POSSIBLY THE UNIVERSE. And I'm weak...I'm weak and in love with chocolate so I ate some of the good stuff. Did I feel good after indulging my chocolate craving?
I felt bloated, fat, yucky and tired...Possibly not the desired effect...And so rather than making the link that my favourite treat was making me feel like this and I probably shouldn't have anymore. I ignored all sensible thoughts in my head and ate MORE...followed by a little bit more...Oink Oink!
I woke up this morning with a new fear for my ever expanding waist line and the fact I can't afford to get bigger and buy new clothes, so today I was back on the healthy waggon. My lovely friend also arrived today and made it much easier for me to eat healthily by the fact she is also on a health kick...Thank god! Given my current mental state there was no way I could refuse a take away or a mountain of sweets if offered to me.
I also need to pay credit to my amazing personal trainer, who not only pushes and encourages me during our sessions, but has been an amazing support out of the gym. Putting up with messages from me like "I've just made a loaf of bread and it smells so good! Trying to resist the urge to have a slice L” with words of encouragement and wisdom. I would probably be a loaf of bread fuller right now if she wasn't so great!
Tomorrow my mission is to eat as well as I can. I've got one week till I go back to Scilly and feeling like a beached whale is not the best feeling when catching up with family and friends you haven't seen in 7 months...So bring me the spinach and make it snappy, I have a mission and I will complete it!...Watch this space!