Sunday, 21 July 2013

Insanity Workout Review- Week Six


This week was definitely a tough one! They definitely don't ease you into the "max" sessions easily. The first day was both the fit test and Max Interval Circuit. I really pushed myself during the fit test, and managed to improve my score on every exercise (my scores are at the bottom of this post). This left me feeling knackered by the time I came to start the Circuit workout, and the warm up nearly killed me! But I finished it all and managed to burn 700 calories! Woo Hoo... Then Tuesday morning came with a whole host of achy muscles and joints which made Tuesdays workout equally tough!

These DVDs are definitely a step up from the first 4 weeks, and I can completely see why they don't have you doing it from the start- The exercises themselves are much harder, with the plyo DVD fast becoming my worst enemy due to the number of push up based moves...I can hardly do normal push ups so I definitely found it hard. The intervals have also got longer, moving from 30 seconds to 45 or 1 minute each. As well as the intervals being longer the overall workout length has also increased. Now the running time is 50-60 minutes, compared to about 40 for the first four weeks- Those extra 10 minutes make ALL the difference in turning you into a shaking, sweating mess...Sounds delightful hey!

I've decided to change my rest day to Friday as I get it off work so it means that I do have a full day off- Rather than working all day and then not having to do a workout- It doesn't really feel like a break!

Diet wise I have eaten much better this week. I did have a couple of treats, but also filled up on plenty of veg, fruit, protein and healthy grains like quinoa and I can really feel a difference. I've ran out of my Skinni Minni protein powder now, and I decided to do this week without it and then think about getting some more. I definitely think it helps though, I know the workouts are now harder but I definitely felt less achy when I was having it post workout.

Overall I'm feeling good after this last week, I feel like I'm finally starting to see a difference and my tummy is starting to feel flatter.

Only 3 weeks left now then it's holiday time! I'm actually going away before the programme ends, so I'll end up missing 3 workouts. I haven't decided if I'm going to risk being one of those fitness freaks I hate and take the DVDs with me or if I should just finish it when I get back?!

Here are my fit test results-
Day One
Day 15
Day 36
Switch Kicks
Power Jacks
Power Knees
Power Jumps
Globe Jumps
Suicide Jumps
Push-Up Jacks
Low Plank Oblique

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