Monday, 27 May 2013

Bank holiday activities

I was rudely awoken this morning at 6:30 to my alarm going off, contemplating the pros and cons to throwing my phone across the room to make it shut up I decided it probably wasn't the best idea! So I snoozed. And snoozed again. And again. And once more for luck! Wow it was hard to get up this morning!
When I was finally awoke I had a terrible problem, being that my head seemed to be glued to the pillow...what a dilemma, should I shower with the pillow attached or just lie in bed a little longer?!...I lay in bed a little longer!
When I was finally out of bed and ready it was off to work I went, ready to decorate lots of cupcakes and cakes for the bank holiday munchers. 
After work I went to meet Sam from work and we joined in the bank holiday fun by taking a wonder around the stalls at a summer fair on Twickenham green. We then bought a lovely little sunflower in a terracotta pot to put on our windowsill, we lovingly named out little flower- sunflorent malouda (guess who choose that one!!) and carried him all the way home, then picked the perfect spot on the windowsill for him to sit and grow...then what should happen but Sam gets his hands on our little flower "it was a bit wonky, I tried to straighten it up" he told me, I walked over to the windowsill to be greeted by what can only be described as a sunflower massacre!! Our poor little sunflorent malouda was sitting in his little pot, surrounded in soft, watered soil...WITH HIS HEAD SITTING RIGHT BESIDE HIM!! So we no longer have a sunflower as a memento from the summer fair, instead we have a piece of green stalk in a pot...fabulous!
To get over the sunflower trauma we decided it was probably best to get out of the house, rather than to stay at the scene of the crime, so wanting to take my birthday picnic basket for a spin we busied ourselves in the kitchen creating a picnic feast. I constantly surprise myself at just how much food I can eat!...oops! 
We packed egg mayonnaise sandwiches, cheese and crackers, hummus and carrots, popcorn, scones, and an orange (purely to make ourselves feel as though we were being healthy!) 
Then off we went...we walked to Crane Park near our house and had ourselves a lovely little picnic, enjoying the rest of the bank holiday sun. 
So there you have it, sunflower trauma and a picnic, how did you spend your bank holiday?

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